BacTrace BioTec AG

BacTrace BioTec AG is relentlessly researching need-based solutions to make people’s lives safer and healthier. Below is a selection of innovative clinical and environmental tests, some of which are patented, that we keep a special eye on.


Ultra-sensitive blood test to discriminate a bacterial from a viral infection.


Upper respiratory tract infections are viral in the vast majority of cases (approx. 70%). Antibiotics are not indicated here, but are nevertheless prescribed far too often, as many doctors feel compelled to prescribe a drug, e.g. an antibiotic, because the patient expects an effective therapy. The consequen­ces are unnecessary side effects, high costs and the develop­ment of resistance. The clear distinction between a bacterial and a viral infection is essential to reduce the misuse of antibiotics, which affects everyone.


AquaTracer finds individual Legionella in a fresh-water sample. It is a simple and fast test for on-site inspections/maintenance of hot water systems, water purity checks in waterworks and routine quality control.


The water test can be carried out after a simple training session. After a few minutes, the device displays the legionella concentration in the water sample. Our anonymous reference database compares the results for consistency and plausibility to give you a result you can rely on. The data is transferable to your facility’s data system for immediate online documentation and e.g. epidemiological evaluation.



Integrated solution for the detection of human-pathogenic bacterial pathogens based on phage-based pathogen diagnostics (internationally patented).


The portable system is designed to meet the needs of point-of-care diagnostics and regulatory requirements. The technology combines innovative biological assays with a reading technology of highest sensitivity and spectral evaluation algorithms to best meet current and future requirements.


BacTrace BioTec AG works closely with a renowned and decorated Scientific Advisory Board as well as with internationally recognized universities and scientific institutions.

  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Willi Jäger, Universität Heidelberg
  • Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Opel, Brigade General a.D.
  • Prof. Dr. Valentin N. Pavlov, Bashkir State Medical University
  • Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Michael T. Pawlik, Universität Regensburg
  • Dr. med. Sören Wagner, Harvard Medical School
  • Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolf F. Wieland, Universität Regensburg
  • Dr. med. Hans Hermann Wörl
